Frequently Asked Questions

Designer Minds Weekly Clubs

STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Maths.






STEAM Education Framework


Designer Minds Summer Camps

20-hour camps cost €160. You can find all of the details including price, location and availability on our camps page.

Cost of Designer Minds Events

For Clubs: Yes, you can secure a place by paying a deposit of €60. The balance is due 10 days after your first scheduled club.

For Camps: Yes, but deposit payment is only available for early registration: for Summer camps, you can secure a place with a deposit of €30 by registering at least 2 weeks before the start of your camp. 

On the checkout page, you will be given the option to pay a deposit or full amount.

If you chose to reserve a Camp place by paying a deposit, the balance is due 7 days before your camp. On the due date, payment will be automatically taken. Payment will not be accepted at the clubs or camps. Unpaid balances will result in a cancellation of your registration, so please ensure that on the due date you have sufficient funds in the account you originally used to make the registration.

Accessibility and Safety

Yes! The majority of children attending Designer Minds clubs and camps are boys. However, we know that girls can also excel at Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths. The onus is on us as parents and teachers to encourage our girls to get involved with these subjects at a young age. We need to give them confidence in their abilities and broaden their opportunities. Designer Minds is a fantastic opportunity for girls as well as boys to unleash their creativity and have fun with Science, Design and Technology.

Designer Minds Online Clubs

When you sign up for an online course with Designer Minds, we will notify you in advance with the materials list, the website or software your child may need to use and the links to your zoom club meetings. For some courses, there may also be student notes sent to you, which your child can use to learn more about the course topic.


Your child must be capable of using the electronic device independently and know how to use zoom. Please teach your child how to do this in advance of the course if they do not already know how to do so.
It is necessary to have the camera turned on during the live clubs so that children can see and interact with each other and their teacher. We will be endeavouring to encourage social chat and interaction in order to make the online clubs fun and interactive for the children.
Children will also need to be able to mute and unmute their microphone. They must keep the microphone muted until it is their turn to speak at which point they will need to be able to turn this on and off.
Your child’s name must be displayed in zoom (please ensure your child’s name is displayed and not your own). To change your name after entering a Zoom meeting, click on the “Participants” button. Next, hover your mouse over your name in the “Participants” list. Click on “more”, then “Rename”. Enter the name you'd like to appear in the Zoom meeting and click on “OK”.

Children must know how to share their screen on zoom so that teachers can see their progress.
Sometimes, teachers may request to remotely control your child’s screen during a club. If your child is working on a piece of software for a coding, animation or other computer-based course, they may need assistance from their teacher from time to time. The teacher will request remote control and your child will get a notification allowing them to allow the remote control and therefore allow the teacher to give hands-on assistance with whatever technical problem they are unable to fix themselves. If you would like to read more about how this works, you can find more information here